Loving One Another in a Day of Darkness

I was talking to a dear friend recently and lamenting the decent of our nation into moral chaos and comparing it to a snowball rolling down hill, when he stopped me and said, “No, it used to be a snowball, but now its an avalanche!”.

Our nation is witnessing an accelerated descent into darkness unlike anything we have ever experienced before in our history.

It is a day that excites fear and apprehension in the hearts of many. It is a dark day in the sense that it is a day of departure from Light… the Light of God and the Light of His Word.

After 42 years of butchering children, and 60 million dead, we now see video images of our holocaust on television screens all across America accompanied by a numbness and apathy that cries out to heaven for a shaking and an awakening.

In an unprecedented attack on Christ and His Bride the Supreme Court of our land has redefined marriage and with it the Gospel, because marriage is a picture of Christ and His church.

An apostate church bent on persecution seems to have the true church of Christ in it’s crosshairs.

But even as the Bride of Christ stands at the gates of Hell with the Dragon breathing down her neck, she is commanded not to fear what man may do.

Not matter the dire circumstances of the age in which we live the signal call of Scripture is that the people of God might love one another fervently. The manifestation of such a love amongst the children of God’s family is a visual and tangible proclamation of the Gospel that may be comprehended by our neighbors both near and far.

They will know we are Christians by our love. “By this all men shall know that ye are My disciples… if ye have love on to another” (John 13:35)

What will you do on that day when the magistrate walks into your church one cold Sunday morning and puts handcuffs on the wrists of one of your pastors and takes him away? What will you be prepared to do for his family?

What will you do on that day when one of the men of your church is sued into financial oblivion for refusing to hire a man who dresses in the attire of a woman, or cater a homosexual “wedding”… What will you do for the family that is cast out into the streets without shelter or means of support on account of their stand for the truth of God’s Word?

In the early church they sold lands and took the money and laid them it at the feet of the apostles, and said, here take it and distribute as there is a need.

In the day when gross darkness covers the land love is truly defined.